Feb 22, 2024

Toyotas are known for their reliability and durability. However, like any other machine, they experience wear and tear, especially when it comes to its transmission system. Here are a few tips from your Toyota dealer on what signs to keep an eye out for that could indicate your Toyota may need a transmission repair.

Thoughts from Your Toyota Dealer: How to Know When You Need a Transmission Repair

Strange Noises

One of the first signs of transmission issues is clunking, whining, or grinding sounds when shifting gears. If you hear any odd noises from your transmission, it’s time to pay attention. These noises are often indicators of problems within the transmission that need immediate attention.

Rough or Delayed Shifting

A transmission should smoothly transition from gear to gear. If you notice any delays when shifting gears, or you are experiencing a jerky, rough ride during gear changes, those could be signs of a slipping transmission. This is a serious issue, since it can lead to further damage if left unattended.

Fluid Leaks

Transmission fluid is vital for lubricating and cooling the transmission system. If you spot brown or red fluid pooling under your Toyota, it’s a clear sign you have a transmission leak. Low transmission fluid levels can cause overheating and damage to the transmission components.

Dashboard Warning Lights

Modern Toyota vehicles are equipped with advanced diagnostics that can detect transmission problems. If the “Check Engine” or “Transmission” warning light lights up on your dashboard, it’s time to schedule a diagnostic check at your dealership.

Burning Smell

A burning smell coming from your car could be a sign your transmission fluid is overheating. When the transmission fluid overheats, it can lead to the breakdown of vital components, and if not addressed promptly, it may result in a complete transmission failure.

Slipping Gears

When your transmission slips gears unexpectedly, causing a loss of power or acceleration, it’s a severe problem. This issue can be dangerous, especially when driving at high speeds or in traffic, and requires immediate attention.

Difficulty Engaging Gears

If you find it increasingly challenging to shift gears, whether manually or automatically, your transmission may be experiencing trouble. Difficulty engaging gears can lead to reduced control over your vehicle and should be investigated promptly.

If you notice any of these issues, don’t wait until your transmission leaves you stranded. Call Royal Moore Toyota today or come in to see us and schedule a transmission inspection, so we can ensure your Toyota continues to deliver the reliable performance you expect. We understand the importance of a well-maintained transmission for your vehicle’s performance and safety, and our certified technicians here in Hillsboro, OR are ready to address any transmission issues your Toyota may be experiencing.